Friday, December 31, 2010
HP Probook
Hp Probook 4420s akan berada di tangan aku tak lama lagi InsyaALLAH.
Ciri2 Hp Probook 4420:-
2MP webcam
Intel i3
320 Gb HDD
Water resistant keyboard
14" LED screen
Metal Casing
HDMI cabel port
SATA hard disk cabel port
3 USB port
Windows 7 ultimate
and other accessories.
Harap2 segalanya berjalan lancar.
10 Wasiat Imam As-Shahid Hassan Al-Banna
- Apabila mendengar azan, segeralah mendirikan solat walau dalam keadaan apa sekali pun.
- Bacalah Al-Quran, tatapilah buku-buku, pergilah mendengar perkara2 yang baik, amalkanlah zikrullah, dan janganlah sama sekali membuang masa dengan perkara yang tidak berfaedah,
- Berusahalah sedaya upaya untuk bertutur dalam bahasa Arab yang betul kerana bahasa arab yang betul itu adalah satu-satunya syiar Islam.
- Janganlah banyak bertengkar kerana pertengkaran kosong tidak mendatangkan kebaikan.
- Janganlah banyak ketawa kerana hati yang sentiasa berhubung dengan Allah itu sentiasa tenang lagi tenteram.
- Janganlah bergurau kerana umat yang sedang berjuang itu tidak mengerti melainkan bersungguh-sungguh dalam setiap perkara.
- Janganlah bercakap lebih nyaring daripada kadar yang diperlukan oleh oendengar kerana percakapan yang nyaring adalah resmi yang sia-sia dan boleh menyakiti hati orang.
- Jauhilah daripada mengumpat peribadi orang dan mengecam seseorang, dan janganlah bercakap melainkan apa-apa yang boleh memberi kebajikan.
- Berkenal-kenallah dengan setiap ikhwan muslimin yang ditemui walaupun dia tidak meminta saudara berkenalan dengannya..asas gerkan dakwah kita ialah berkasih sayang dan berkenal-kenalan.
- Kewajipan kita lebih banyak daripada masa, oleh itu tolonglah saudaramu agar mereka menggunakan masa dengan berfaedha, dan jika anda mempunyai tugas sendiri, ringkaskanlah perlaksanaannya.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
10 Cara Untuk Memori Kuat
Adakah lebih baik jika kita mampu untuk ingat apa yang kita baca daripada surat khabar, kertas, buku atau apa sahaja? Lebih baik juga jika kita tidak lupa no telefon kawan kita, tarikh lahir kawan, ibubapa, adik bradik dan sebagainya.
Jangan risaukan semua itu kerana kini saya ingin kongsi cara bagaimana kita mampu untuk menguatkan memori kita.
dengan bermain permainan memerah otak macam chess, sudoku dan sebagainya. Dengan cara ini, otak kita akan sentiasa aktif dan memperbaiki sistem fungsi psikologi otak kita.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Di Sebalik Pelarasan Harga Minyak
3 December yang lepas negara kita digemparkan dengan pelarasan subdisi minyak RON95. Maka dengan ini, harga minyak telah terjadi kenaikan sebanyak 5 sen iaitu dari RM1.85 hingga RM1.90 seliter. Ramai memberi respon yang agak negatif di sebalik pelarasan sudsidi. Ini kerana, Menteri di Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Dato' Ismail Sabri Yaakob telah memberi jaminan bahawa tiada kenaikan pada harga minyak RON95 untuk sehingga akhir tahun 2010. Tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya.
Apa nak jadi la dengan keadaan negara kita sekarang. Rakyat memang ingin pemodenan dan pembangunan, tetapi dengan cara ini, rakyat asyik teraniaya. Bagi penulis, budget 2011 yang diumumkan PM negara kita tidak begitu efektif. Aku bukan la pandai sangat, cuma berdasarkan pemerhatian dan bacaan dari sumber2 yang boleh dipercayai, budget 2011 hanya la semata2 untuk kepentingan kroni2. hmmm...Penulis cuma memberi pandangan kerana percaya negara kita negara demokrasi.
Bila la kita boleh lihat Malaysia jadi transformer. Bertukar rupa. Bertukar kerajaan. Bertukar undang2. Bertukat Pemimpin. Dan yang paling penting, bertukar dari Negara Sekular kepada Negara Islam yang diwar2 kan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan khulafa ar-rasyidin. Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1432H.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Jalan2 Masa Holiday
Trip to Melaka
Jalan2 dengan wife. Hanya sempat memanjat Menara Taming Sari setinggi 80m dan cuci mata di Mahkota Parade dan Dataran Pahlawan. Sayang nya tak berapa tebal poket ni untuk shopping. hehehe...
Menara Taming Sari dari pandangan bawah.
Di depan Menara Taming Sari
Hari Raya Aidil Adha Satu Pengorbanan
Selepas di sembelih
Sudah hampir sebulan hari raya aidil adha berlalu. Baru aku nk upload gambar masa aku sembelih dan melapah kambing biri-biri yang dikorbankan. Best woo melapah kambing ni. Nie second year la aku buat kerja macam nie masa hari raya aidiladha ni. Maklum la duduk bandar, nak buat keje nie bukan nye selalu. Lagi pun aku dapat belajar benda baru dari bapak aku, pak cik aku dan nenek aku. Aku rasa baru je start kehidupan. Dulu2 tak suka nak belajar, sekarang baru tau. hahhaha. Insyaallah tahun depan aku akan jadi lebih pakar..hehhee
Time nak bedah perut kambing...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Open Water Course @ Redang Resort Bay
Package 4D 3N (RM 1450)
- Accomodation
- All meal
- Course Fee
- Boat Transfer
- Usage of dive equipment
- Registration fee (PADI / IANTO)
- Training material
- C-Card
Academic (Theory Class)
Day 2 - Confine water training (Skill practice)
Day 3 - Open Water Dive no 1 (Shore)
Open Water Dive no 2 (Shore)
Day 4 - Open Water Dive no 3 (Boat)
Open Water Dive no 4 (Boat)
Check Out
Course overview:
- 5 module academic session
- 5 module confine water
- 4 open water training dive
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
AINA Bread Pudding
3 cups fresh milk
3 eggs
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tea spoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoon raw sugar
raisins for deco
Ingredient for custard:
1/2 cup of sugar
1 cup of evaporated milk
2 1/2 cup of water
2 teaspoon of custard flour
Ingredient for strawberry sauce:
200 gram strawberry
1/4 cup of sugar
50ml water
1.Cut the bread crust
2.Cut the bread into pieces
3.Put the egg into the bowl
4.Add milk,brown sugar and vanilla extract
5.Stir it all.
6.Add the pieces of bread and stir it
7.Prepare a bowl and spread oil inside the bowl (to make sure the bread will not stick)
8.Pour the mix above into the bowl
9. Put raisins on top for decoration.
10.Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 40 minutes-50minutes
1. Put the baked pudding on the ready plate
2. Pour the custard and the strawberry sauce.
Ready to serve for 4-5 persons.Enjoy!!!
Hati(ms:H12),Harian Metro,Rabu 10 November 2010.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah
Very impressive video. I like because I can see Islam is for everybody in this world. ALLAH created many kinds of human, they are different races, different colour, different language but they worship only the ALMIGHTY GOD, that is ALLAH. MashaALLAH.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Civilization will end in 2013
In 2013, the earth will be attacked from space, with one possible outcome being mind-bogglingly severe disruption to our tech-centric way of life.
"The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years, we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity," says Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division. "At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms."
Fisher's comments came during the run-up to last week's Space Weather Enterprise Forum 2010, at which scientists gathered to discuss how to prepare for the massive solar storms set to strike the earth in 2013.
"We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be," Fisher told the Daily Telegraph. "It will disrupt communication devices such as satellites and car navigations, air travel, the banking system, our computers, everything that is electronic. It will cause major problems for the world."
The earth has been battered by solar storms before, but never has civilization been so vulnerable, since it's now so dependent upon both electrical and electronic infrastructure.
In pre-electronic and barely electrical 1859, a "perfect space storm" shorted out telegraph lines in the US and Europe, causing numerous fires. It also made the Northern Lights visible as far south as Rome, Havana and Hawaii, according to NASA — contemporary accounts relate how a group of campers in the Rocky Mountains were awakened by an "auroral light, so bright that one could easily read common print. Some of the party insisted that it was daylight and began the preparation of breakfast."
In 1921, a solar storm induced ground currents that crippled the New York transit system. In 1989, another solar storm brought down the entire Quebec power grid due to those pesky ground currents, and plunged six million people into darkness on a cold, cold Canadian night.
Fischer sees serious trouble ahead from the 2013 peak solar activity attacks. "I think the issue is now that modern society is so dependent on electronics, mobile phones and satellites, much more so than the last time this occurred," he said. "There is a severe economic impact from this. We take it very seriously. The economic impact could be like a large, major hurricane or storm."
That economic impact could be a "space weather Katrina," according to a 2008 report from the US National Academies of Sciences' Space Studies Board entitled Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts.
"Strong auroral currents, which wreaked havoc with the telegraph networks during the [1859] event," the report warns, "can disrupt and damage electric power grids and may contribute to the corrosion of oil and gas pipelines.
"Economic and societal costs attributable to impacts of geomagnetic storms could be of unprecedented levels," the report concludes. The cost of hurricane Katrina, estimated to be between $81bn and $125bn, would be piddling when compared to the effect of a "future severe geomagnetic storm scenario," which the report estimates could run as high as $1 trillion to $2 trillion in the first year. Depending on damage, the report contends, full recovery could take 4 to 10 years.
Scary estimates, indeed, but — as with that other scary eventuality, global climate change — preparation could help mitigate the effects of another "perfect space storm".
Fisher told the Telegraph that precautions could include, for example, creating power-grid backup systems so that if transformers or giant load-balancing capacitors are fried by a solar outburst, Plan B could go into effect. "If you know that a hazard is coming ... and you have time enough to prepare and take precautions, then you can avoid trouble," he said.
You can keep tabs on what the sun is throwing at us at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center. But don't worry too much — after all, if the Mayan calendar is correct, we need not fret about 2013. ®
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Many Modern Western Women Convert to ISLAM!
They called themselves an European Muslim because they are not born as Muslim. They accepted Islam not because of men who they are wanted to marry but they accept because of the beauty of Islam they found in Qoran and Hadis. They started to make Islam as their routine. They go to mosque, leaving alcohol, stop partying, pray five times daily, and other practices by Islam.
List of western women converted to Islam:-
1. Lauren Booth,43 ,Tony Blair's sister in law converted to Islam after she went to work as journalist at Palestin. She found Islam brings happiness and peaceful.
2. Kristiane Backer, 43, ex MTV host converted to Islam when she married to Pakistan cricket player, but not long last. However after the divorce, she started to learn in-depth about Islam and practice what is obliged to her by religion.
3. Camilla Leyland, 32, a yoga teacher. She converted to Islam because she found Qoran says of 'intellectual and feminism'. She said Islam give equality to women.
4. Lynne Ali, a former DJ. She is happy now pray five times daily. She knew about Islam when she met her boyfriend at university. His boyfriend's sister talk many times about Islam and its beauty. From there, Lynne attracted to Islam. Now she happy with her life as Muslim and not go back to the old life as a wild girl who like partying and drunk.
This is a several story about western women. I believe they are more of them, only that they are not out in press. But what make me sad is about a born Muslims leave Islam. Not practice Islam and took western life as their practice. A born Muslim do not like to implement Islam totally and take half only.
Friday, October 29, 2010
New Proton Inspira
Hitler get angry when he wanted to book new mitsubishi GT lancer after his followers told him proton has rebadged lancer to waja lancer (inspira). Funny video
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm very committed to learn new ways of online. I've found new way where you all can find me at Google Buzz. So click at button 'Follow Buzz' .
See you all guys there.
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Enjoy your shopping there...
Thank You
- Miz Mooz Rhone Brown
CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online credit Miz Mooz Rhone boot. Round toe. 6-inch shaft with side zipper. Knit design on shaft. 3.25-inch leather covered heel. Leather upper. Leather lining. Man-made outsole.
Product Description
- Sofft Ophelia Black
The Sofft Ophelia is the perfect combination of beautiful styling and timeless construction. Sofft heels are so versatile and gorgeous, they become instant wardrobe staples. Wear the Ophelia this season with wide leg cigarette pants and transition seamlessly from the office to a night out. Women's high heel ankle bootie Zip-up construction3.25 inch heel with 4 inch shaftGorgeous suede and leather overlay design across vampRubber patterned outsoleCushioned footbed for comfort and supportLeather liningSuede and leather upper
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Miz Mooz Shoes For Ladies
- Miz Mooz Waverly Red
The Miz Mooz Waverly is perfect for a night on the town! Wear with a high-waisted, mod skirt. CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online creditWomen's peep-toe pump with ankle wrap3-inch heel Unique design on vamp Vertical zipper at heel Leather lining and upper.
Product Description
- Miz Mooz Salsa Red
The Miz Mooz Salsa easily boosts your height and your confidence! This heel looks great with everything but try it with a short, ruffled skirt. CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online credit Shoe fits approximately half size small Zipper fastening up heel 1/2-inch platform Unique design across vamp and throat 3.75-inch shaft 9-inch circumference 4-inch heel Rubber sole Leather lining and upper
Ladies Branded Shoes
-Miz Mooz Loopy Blue
The Miz Mooz Loopy is crazy cute! Perfect look on the beach or boardwalk with your cutoffs or bathing suit. CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online creditWomen's thong sandal1/2 heel Slip-on constructionSynthetic lining and upper.
Product Description
- Miz Mooz Bling Black
CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online credit Miz Mooz Bling skimmer. Round toe. Rhinestone encrusted vamp with leather bow. Elastic collar. Leather upper. Man-made outsole.
Infinity Shoes
- Crocs Prepair Slide Black Silver
Crocs Prepair Men's Slide is a walk in the park! Crocs technology is awesome! Lightweight, ergonomic, and odor resistant makes crocs a must have for summer! CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online creditSlip-on, slide construction Unisex casual shoelCroslite™ material midsole, lining and upper Promotes healthy motion of the footReduces peak pressure and muscular effort
Product Description
-Timberland Earthkeepers Greenside Slide Brown
Timberland Earthkeepers Greenside Slide women's sandal is easy on your feet and on the earth! You can't go wrong when you pair these slides with cutoffs! CLEARANCE! No returns for refund. This item can only be returned for online credit Women's strappy sandal 5/8 inch heel Slide design Rubber sole Leather upper
Monday, October 18, 2010
Skincubed...Care for your skin
- Clinical Age Defying Crème
* Instant Healthy Glow * Erases Age and Sun Spots * Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles * Instant Deep Hydration * More Effective than Prescriptions * Apply to clean face AM/PM. Apply over Skincubed Lift Peptide Formula for complete anti-aging treatment. May be used as a night treatment. * Caution: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed. Please note: Color of product may change with time due to natural ingredients.
Product Description
- Instant-Eye Repair Formula
* Instantly Reduces Puffiness * Erases Dark Circles * Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles * Instant Deep Hydration * Apply morning and evening after cleansing and prior to make up. May be applied over Skincubed Lift Peptide formula for maximum results. Do not apply to the eye lid. * Caution: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed. Please note: Color of product may change with time due to natural ingredients.
Product Description
- Instant-Lift Peptide Formula
* Immediate Visible Lifting Appearance * Instantly Reduces Wrinkled Appearance * Delays Formation and Deepening of Expression Lines * Tightens Skin and Reduces the Appearance of Pores * You will experience a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles within minutes of application. However to achieve maximum "botox® like" benefits from our advanced peptide blend, as reported in our clinical trials, instant-lift formula must be used continuously for at least 30 days. * DIRECTIONS * Apply a small amount to targeted areas. Especially effective around eyes, forehead and upper lips, or anywhere expression wrinkles form. Use after cleansing, twice daily (AM/PM). May be followed with SkinCubed Eye Repair Formula and Skincubed Age-Defying Formula for complete anti-aging system. (Note: Do not apply to eye or eye membrane, for external use only)
Click at the picture do directly purchase the product.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Rolex watches for sale
Product Description :
- Midsize Stainless Steel Black Dial Beadset Bezel Rolex Datejust (470)
Product Description :
- Midsize Stainless Steel Silver Dial Platinum Unidirectional Rotating Bezel Rolex Yacht-Master (363)
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